Ultrasonic Golf Club Cleaning


ultrasonic cleaning of golf clubsDo you like to golf? Are you serious about the hobby? If you are, then it’s a cinch that you want to keep your clubs and other gear in peak condition. A long day on the course can result in a surprisingly large amount of buildup of dirt, mud, and other debris on your clubs and other equipment. When cleaning time comes, with so much to take care of, it can seem like a daunting task. Luckily, there’s a tool out there that can clean your gear like never before!

Ultrasonic cleaning has been around since the 50’s, and as more and more people learn about it’s amazing qualities, it’s seeing use in applications as varied as cleaning dental instruments, to, well, cleaning golf supplies. But how does this ultrasonic golf club cleaning machine do what it does? For more info on that and other topics, check out our ultrasonic FAQ.

Choosing an Ultrasonic Bath

So, you are interested in picking up your own ultrasonic bath to spruce up your gear. How do you decide what model is right for you? Here’s a quick list of things to consider when picking out a new unit:

  • Always make sure you are purchasing a TRUE ultrasonic cleaner. A real ultrasonic unit will have an all stainless steel tank and be refered to as “ultrasonic” on the packaging and literature. Many stores carry so-called “sonic-cleaners” with plastic tubs that do litle more than vibrate. Keep wary of these imitators!
  • Next you must decide what size you want for your sonic system. To decide size, simply ask yourself “How big are the parts that I need to clean, and how many of them do I want to clean at a time?”.
  • Heat or no heat? In general, a heated tank will clean faster and more thoroughly than a non-heated tank. However, if your gear is consistently dirty enough to warrant frequent solution changes, you may be able to get away with just refilling with hot water.
  • Other Features? Many modern units have entire suites of advanced features such as temperature control and de-gassing. In general, these fancier features can be passed on in favor of the simplicity of a mechanically timed unit, such as the M2800H. Another good model for those on a budget would be the GemOro 2.6.

Using Your Ultrasonic Golf Club Cleaner


Now that you’ve gotten your brand new ultrasonic cleaner, it’s time to take it for a spin! But before you get started there’s a couple safety concerns to address first:

  • Never turn on your club cleaner with no water in the tank! This will almost instantly short out your unit, leaving it no more than a fancy paperweight.
  • Never use flammable liquids in an ultrasonic tank! In short it makes a bomb. Trying to get the cleanest clubs is never worth losing your eyebrows.
  • Keep your hands out of the tank while it’s running

Cleaning Your Gear

Actually cleaning your gear with your new ultrasonic bath is actually a cinch.

  • Fill your unit with fresh, hot water and detergent. As for what soap to use, any lemon based dish cleaning liquid at a 1 part per 15 concentration should do the job. For a more thorough clean, Branson MC-3 can be used (for metal parts ONLY).
  • Place the gear to be cleaned in the basket, and lower the basket into the tank, set timer to desired time (if available), and let the unit run for about 10min.
  • Remove your clubs or other objects and check if they are cleaned to your standards. For general cleaning, it should take no longer than 5 to 10 minutes to fully clean your gear.
  • Pat dry with a clean, dry cloth. Apply any oils or other protectorates that may have been stripped off during the cleaning process.


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  • Last Updated
  • David Huckabay
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